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Maximizing Your Real Estate Investment: The Power of Tax Depreciation

By Dane Brower | March 3rd, 2023

Investing in real estate is a smart financial move that can generate significant long-term wealth. However, being a real estate investor also means understanding the importance of maximizing profits and minimizing expenses. One of the best ways to do this is through tax depreciation.


Tax depreciation, also known as cost recovery, is an accounting method that assumes physical assets lose value due to wear and tear over time. This allows investors to deduct a portion of the property’s value from their taxable income each year, which in turn decreases their tax liability and increases their cash flow.


Here are some benefits of tax depreciation for real estate investors:


  1. Non-Cash Expense: Tax depreciation is a non-cash expense, meaning it doesn’t require the investor to spend any money out of pocket. Instead, it’s a paper expense that’s accounted for on their tax return. This allows investors to keep more cash on hand to reinvest in their properties or other investments.
  2. Deduction from Taxable Income: Tax depreciation is treated as a deduction when totaling income, which means it decreases taxable income. This can help investors protect their cash flow from taxation and keep more of their hard-earned money.
  3. Increased Cash Flow: By decreasing taxable income, tax depreciation can help investors increase their cash flow. This additional cash flow can be reinvested in the property to make improvements, pay down debt, or be used for personal expenses.
  4. Improves Return on Investment (ROI): Tax depreciation can significantly improve a real estate investor’s return on investment. By reducing their taxable income and increasing their cash flow, investors can see a higher ROI on their investment.

It’s important to note that tax depreciation does come with some limitations and restrictions, such as recapture taxes when the property is sold. That’s why it’s essential to work with a knowledgeable accountant or tax professional to ensure that you’re taking full advantage of tax depreciation while staying in compliance with IRS regulations.


Tax depreciation is a powerful tool that real estate investors can use to maximize their profits and minimize their expenses. By decreasing taxable income, increasing cash flow, and improving ROI, tax depreciation can help investors build long-term wealth through real estate investments.

From Afar, but Not Out of Control: How We Save Out-of-State Landlords’ Sanity

By Dane Brower | March 2nd, 2023

Owning rental property in another state can be a great investment opportunity. However, managing that property from afar can be a challenge. That’s where a professional property management company like Mark Brower Properties can help. Here are some of the reasons why adding us as your management company and entrusting us with the care of your property can be a wise decision.


Ready list of maintenance vendors for repairs and emergencies

One of the biggest challenges of owning a rental property in another state is finding reliable vendors for repairs and emergencies. This is where having a professional property management company can make all the difference. At Mark Brower Properties, we have a ready list of trusted maintenance vendors who can handle any repairs or emergencies that may arise. This can give you peace of mind, knowing that your property is in good hands.


Immeasurable peace of mind

Managing a rental property from another state can be stressful and time-consuming. By entrusting your property to Mark Brower Properties, you can rest easy knowing that we are taking care of everything for you. We will handle tenant screenings, rent collection, maintenance, and all other aspects of managing your property. This will allow you to focus on other things, while still earning a steady income from your rental property.


File taxes appropriately while earning income in 2 different states

Owning a rental property in another state can be complicated when it comes to taxes. You may need to file taxes in both states, which can be confusing and time-consuming. By working with a professional property management company like Mark Brower Properties, you can ensure that all taxes are filed correctly and on time. We can also provide you with the necessary documentation and records to make tax time as easy as possible.


Tenant management

Managing tenants from another state can be challenging. By working with a professional property management company, you can rest easy knowing that your tenants are being managed properly. We will handle tenant screenings, lease agreements, rent collection, and any issues that may arise with your tenants. This can help to ensure that your tenants are happy, and that your property is being well-maintained.


Owning a rental property from afar can be a challenge, but by entrusting your property to Mark Brower Properties, you can rest easy knowing that we are taking care of everything for you. From finding reliable maintenance vendors to handling tenant management and tax filings, we are here to make the process as stress-free as possible. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you manage your out-of-state rental property.

Maximizing Your Investment: Understanding 1031 Exchanges

By Dane Brower | March 1st, 2023

Investing in real estate can be a lucrative financial move, but it also comes with a host of tax implications. One way to maximize your investment and minimize your tax burden is through a 1031 exchange. Also known as “like-kind” exchanges, a 1031 exchange allows investors to defer capital gains taxes on the exchange of investment properties. Here’s what you need to know.

Deferring Capital Gains Taxes

Under IRS code section 1031, investors can defer capital gains taxes on the sale of investment properties by exchanging them for like-kind properties. This means that you can sell your current property and use the proceeds to purchase a new investment property without paying capital gains taxes on the sale. This can be an incredibly valuable tool for real estate investors looking to maximize their returns.

Restrictions on Usage

It’s important to note that a 1031 exchange only applies to investment properties, not personal residences. Additionally, the proceeds from the first sale must be reinvested within 180 days to qualify for the tax deferment. This means that you must identify a replacement property within 45 days of the sale and close on the purchase within the 180-day timeframe.

Working with a Professional

Navigating the complexities of a 1031 exchange can be challenging, which is why it’s essential to work with a professional who has experience in this area. At Mark Brower Properties, we have a team of experts who can help you identify like-kind properties and ensure that you meet all of the IRS requirements for a successful 1031 exchange. We’ll work closely with you to help you maximize your investment and achieve your financial goals.

In conclusion, a 1031 exchange can be an incredibly valuable tool for real estate investors looking to minimize their tax burden and maximize their returns. However, it’s important to understand the restrictions and requirements involved in this type of transaction. Working with a professional property management company like Mark Brower Properties can help you navigate these complexities and ensure the success of your investment. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your investment goals.

Investing in property with your IRA

By Dane Brower | February 28th, 2023

Investing in real estate is an attractive option for many individuals looking to diversify their investment portfolio and secure their financial future. One way to invest in property is through an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Investing in property with your IRA can be a great way to control your own retirement funds and potentially earn a steady stream of rental income. However, there are some important things you need to know before you dive in.

Establishing a Self-Directed IRA

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that not all IRAs allow for real estate investment. You must first establish a self-directed IRA, which allows you to invest in a wide range of assets, including real estate. This can be a bit more complicated than setting up a traditional IRA, so it’s essential to work with a knowledgeable financial advisor who can guide you through the process.

Restrictions on Usage

Once you have established a self-directed IRA, there are some important restrictions to keep in mind. You cannot use the property yourself, nor can you rent it out to a family member. The property must be rented to an unrelated party to ensure compliance with IRS regulations. Additionally, you cannot use your own funds to maintain or make improvements to the property. All expenses related to the property must be paid for with funds from the IRA.

The Importance of Property Management

Investing in property with your IRA can be a smart financial move, but it also requires careful management to protect your investment. This is where a professional property management company like Mark Brower Properties can make all the difference. Our team of experts can help you find a quality tenant, handle all maintenance and repairs, and ensure that your property is well-maintained and protected. We’ll work closely with you to maximize your ROI and help you achieve your investment goals.

In conclusion, investing in property with your IRA can be a lucrative option for those looking to diversify their investment portfolio and secure their financial future. However, it’s essential to understand the restrictions and complexities involved in this type of investment. Working with a professional property management company like Mark Brower Properties can help you navigate these complexities and ensure the success of your investment. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your investment goals.

Preparing Your Rental Properties for Summer: A Maintenance Checklist

By Dane Brower | February 27th, 2023

Summer weather brings its own set of challenges for rental properties, with heat, storms, and increased foot traffic all putting extra wear and tear on your properties. As a landlord, it’s essential to prepare your rental properties for the summer months to ensure that they are protected and that your tenants are safe and comfortable. In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive checklist to help you prepare your rental properties for summer.

  1. Inspect the Air Conditioning System: Make sure that your air conditioning system is in good working order before the summer heat sets in. Schedule a routine maintenance check, and replace any filters to ensure that your system is running efficiently.
  2. Check the Exterior: Inspect the exterior of your rental properties for any damage from the winter months, such as cracked sidewalks or damaged siding. Make any necessary repairs to ensure that your properties look their best and are protected from further damage.
  3. Inspect the Landscaping: Summer is a time for lush, green landscapes, so it’s essential to make sure that your rental properties look their best. Trim back any overgrown shrubs or trees, and make sure that the lawn is well-maintained.
  4. Address Any Pests: Summer is peak season for pests, so be sure to inspect your rental properties for any signs of infestation. If you find any pests, be sure to address the problem promptly to prevent it from becoming a larger issue.
  5. Check the Pool and Outdoor Areas: If your rental properties have a pool or outdoor areas, make sure that they are in good working order and that any necessary repairs have been made. This will ensure that your tenants can enjoy these areas safely and comfortably.
  6. Inspect the Windows and Doors: Check all windows and doors to ensure that they are in good working order and that they provide adequate ventilation for the summer months. Make any necessary repairs, and consider installing screens to keep out unwanted insects.

In conclusion, preparing your rental properties for the summer months is an important part of maintaining and protecting your investment. By following this checklist, you can ensure that your properties are in good condition and ready to provide a comfortable and safe home for your tenants.

The Importance of Thorough Tenant Screening: A Must-Read for Landlords

By Dane Brower | February 24th, 2023

As a landlord, finding the right tenant is one of the most important decisions you’ll make. A reliable and responsible tenant can make your life as a landlord much easier, while a problematic tenant can cause a host of issues and cause you to lose money in the long run. That’s why it’s crucial to thoroughly screen your tenants before signing a lease agreement. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of thorough tenant screening and why it should be at the top of your priority list as a landlord.

  1. Reduce the Risk of Missed Rent Payments: One of the biggest risks of being a landlord is having to deal with missed rent payments. Thorough tenant screening can help you avoid this issue by identifying tenants who are most likely to be reliable and responsible. By conducting criminal background checks, credit checks, and employment verification, you can minimize the risk of missed rent payments and ensure that your rental income remains consistent.
  2. Avoid Costly Eviction Proceedings: If you end up with a problematic tenant who violates the terms of the lease agreement, you may have to go through the costly and time-consuming process of eviction. Thorough tenant screening can help you avoid this issue by identifying tenants who are most likely to follow the rules and respect your property.
  3. Protect Your Property: In addition to reducing the risk of missed rent payments and eviction proceedings, thorough tenant screening can also help protect your property. By screening tenants thoroughly, you can identify those who have a history of damaging rental properties or who have a criminal background that raises red flags.
  4. Maintain a Positive Landlord-Tenant Relationship: Having a positive relationship with your tenants is important for a number of reasons. By screening tenants thoroughly and finding those who are most likely to be reliable and responsible, you can help maintain a positive relationship and avoid disputes and misunderstandings.

In conclusion, thorough tenant screening is a must for landlords looking to protect their rental properties and maximize their rental income. By conducting criminal background checks, credit checks, and employment verification, you can minimize the risk of missed rent payments, avoid costly eviction proceedings, protect your property, and maintain a positive landlord-tenant relationship. Don’t take any chances when it comes to your rental properties – invest the time and resources in thorough tenant screening and reap the rewards in the long run.

Maximizing Rental Income: Tips for Landlords from a Pro

By Dane Brower | February 22nd, 2023

As a landlord, your primary goal is likely to maximize your rental income and make the most of your investment. However, achieving this goal can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the world of property management. In this article, we’ll share some expert tips on how to maximize your rental income and make the most of your rental properties.

  1. Set a Competitive Rent Price: To maximize your rental income, it’s important to set a rent price that is both fair to your tenants and in line with the local market. Research comparable properties in your area to determine what other landlords are charging, and be sure to factor in any upgrades or improvements you’ve made to your rental property. A good property manager can help you do this.
  2. Keep Your Properties in Great Condition: A well-maintained property is more likely to attract high-quality tenants and command a higher rent price. Regular maintenance and repairs, along with any necessary upgrades, will help keep your properties in top shape and maximize your rental income.
  3. Screen Your Tenants Thoroughly: A reliable and responsible tenant can be a landlord’s best asset. To find the best tenants for your properties, be sure to screen them thoroughly, including criminal background checks, credit checks, and employment verification. This will help reduce the risk of missed rent payments and minimize the likelihood of tenant issues.
  4. Offer Incentives for Longer Lease Terms: Tenants who sign long-term leases are more likely to be reliable and responsible, and they can help maximize your rental income by reducing turnover costs and vacancy rates. To encourage tenants to sign long-term leases, consider offering incentives such as discounted rent prices or reduced security deposits.
  5. Stay Up-to-Date on Local Laws and Regulations: Understanding local laws and regulations can help you avoid costly mistakes and ensure that your rental properties are in compliance. Stay up-to-date on local landlord-tenant laws and be sure to consult with a legal expert if you have any questions or concerns. Usually there are a few landlord-tenant law expert legal teams in each market. Find one and get familiar with the resources they provide. In Arizona we use Zona Law and Hull Holiday & Holiday.

In conclusion, maximizing rental income requires a combination of careful planning and smart management. By setting a competitive rent price, keeping your properties in good condition, screening your tenants thoroughly, offering incentives for long-term rentals, and staying up-to-date on local laws and regulations, you can make the most of your rental properties and achieve your financial goals.

Why Work with Mark Brower Properties

By Mark Brower | January 5th, 2015

At Mark Brower Properties, we provide high quality services to people who own rental and investment properties. Today, we’re telling you why you should choose us over other property management companies. The answer is simple: we deliver more peace of mind and cash flow. This is accomplished by focusing on three key deliverables: placing higher quality tenants in less time; establishing the right kind of relationship with those tenants; and, caring for your property as if we owned it, like a true partner.

Placing Tenants

Finding a high quality tenant is the most important thing a property manager can do for you. We have a marketing system that efficiently generates more showings at vacant properties. When a prospective tenant views the home, we use a non-compromising, consistent screening system to review their file. This has resulted in a record of no evictions in the tenants we have placed over the last four years. We’re very proud of that.

Developing Relationships

We use our time well to create and maintain professional, respectful relationships with tenants. We spend more time in the lease signing stage than other property management companies. After going over every part of the lease in detail, we answer any questions the tenants have. Then, we accompany the tenant to the property to perform a move-in inspection. This is a detailed inspection, with a written report that’s signed by us and the tenant. We also take lots of photos. The inspection accomplishes a couple things: it shows the tenants we will be fair in any charges against the security deposit; it shows we really care about the condition of the home and we’ll hold the tenant accountable by following the same procedure at the end of the lease; and, it impacts how they view the home and their responsibilities in caring for it.

We also conduct mid-lease inspections. At this point, we briefly walk through the property and look for unauthorized people or pets that might be living there. We also check for early signs of neglect or damage. We don’t often find those things, but the report that results from this inspection is published to our owner portal so our clients can view it.

Property Care
To properly maintain your rental home, we use the right vendors who deliver outstanding service for good prices. We never markup any maintenance. Our fees are designed to ensure our financial interests are aligned with your best interests. I’m the owner and broker of this company and I’m also a landlord and a property manager. My staff and I manage properties the way I would want my investment managed if I turned it over to a professional property manager.

When you hire us, you’ll be glad you did. Please contact us at Mark Brower Properties. We look forward to working with you.